2025 Monday-Night Series
Old Handicapping Synopsis
Sailing Instructions
Notices to Competitors​
Mondays Hot-Stove Meeting
March 31st 7pm
There will be a very short presentation on rolling handicapping and potential modifications on our existing scheme (that has been in use since 2012)
Frank Edgley has made some very compelling suggestions for improving participation. These include tweaks to the racing programme. I've made a few revisions to the idea and will present these.
Discussion on
getting 2025 MWPHRF certificates
preferred style of rolling handicaps
adding some pursuit races
for experienced sailors
encouraging new participants by boat owners and some of their crew on board your own boat
jumping on their boat with part of or all your crew
for part-time sailors who want to improve their racing
would you welcome some onshore instruction?
would you welcome a "pro" onboard
for complete newbies
yes you are welcome and we want to hear from you
what would encourage you the most to come out?
adding pursuit races to the programme
Please attend.