New Members
New Members
Five Reasons to Join South Port Sailing Club
South Port is a non-profit cooperative Sailing Club.
Located on Pike Creek in St. Clair Beach it is easy to access from Windsor and surrounding areas.
Regularly scheduled social, cruising and racing events.
Reasonable cost, it's like having a cottage within the city.
It's a great place to relax and meet new people that share the love of sailing.
Sailing Lessons
South Port Sailing School offers sailing lessons from accredited Canadian Yachting Association Instructors.
Beginner and intermediate classes are available for adults and children under 16.
See our Sailing School Web Site for more information.

Recreational Sailing & Cruising
SPSC offers a variety of cruising and recreational sailing programs scheduled through out the entire sailing season. SPSC organizes both short and long term cruising, usually alternating destinations for year to year.

SPSC has a full range of racing programs from weekly keelboat and dinghy racing, many weekend regatta's including our Invitational Regatta, Sail for Hospice, the Ontario Sailing Regional Dinghy Championship, a pursuit race, the Hal Ebert Memorial Shark counter regatta, the Invitational Regatta as an ecpa counter regatta and our very well attendend year-ending Harvest Moon Regatta (also a ecpa counter).
South Port is the proud to have been the home of the 2005 Shark World's and the 2019 Melges 24 Canadian National Championship. We are a great venue for championship regattas
See our Racing Page for more information.

Social Activities
There are many regularly scheduled social events. Our monthly happy hour is very well attended by club members and guests.
The Sail-a-Bration in June is our annual kickoff to the sailing season and all members and their families are invited to take part in the festivities.
Our annual Fall Furl is our awards banquet and last fair well to the sailing season.

South Port Sailing Club offers Family, Intermediate, and Junior levels of membership. If you are unsure what membership fits you best please contact our membership chairperson below.
A summary of privileges, fees, and obligations (see Summary of _Fees_ Privileges_ and_ Obligation below) is available for download.
Membership Chair spsc.rear.commodore@gmail.com

We have a Membership Package and Application (see the New_Members_Package below), however new members are strongly encouraged to contact our membership chair to answer any questions you may have and help you through the application process. A break down of the membership fees (see the Schedule _of_Dues_and _Charges below) is also available.